
Fountain of Love and Life

Contact Information:
151 Placer Court
North York
M2H 3H9
(416) 817-1028
Seminarian/lay person Paul Yeung


Known As:
Fountain of Love and Life (FLL)

Mission Statement:
Fountain of Love and Life (FLL) is a Chinese Catholic lay apostolate with the primary mission of spreading the Good News to the global Chinese community through the production and dissemination of multimedia content. In addition to media evangelization, FLL also provides faith formation and systematic missionary discipleship training for the faithful, helping them live out their roles and missions as Missionary Disciples and igniting the fire of evangelization in their hearts. We aspire to cultivate evangelization leaders and establish faith communities with evangelization as the goal, promoting a culture of evangelization within the Church. The ultimate goal is to lead more people to encounter Christ and receive the Good News of salvation. In summary, FLL is an evangelization platform, an evangelization community, and an evangelization movement.

Other - Media Evangelization & Formation of Lay Evangelists