
Servite Domino in Laetitia

Contact Information:
79 Breckonwood Crescent
Markham ON
L3T 5G8
(647) 235-0381
Mrs. Teresa Liang


Known As:
Serve the Lord with Gladness / Servite Domino in Laetitia (SDL)

Mission Statement:
We, the people of Servite Domino in Laetitia, brothers and sisters in Christ that come from different parishes in the Archdiocese of Toronto, a strong Chinese Catholics group, in the spirit of faith and service, we strive to bring people closer to God. This we accomplish by: - organizing pilgrimages, faith formation, retreats, sacraments, service and prayer - Contributing to the growth of our faith by spreading the Gospel by word, witness, action and evangelization - Inviting everyone to serve, in this way meeting the needs of our parishes that come from, making a positive difference to families and for a better world - Being faithful stewards of Divine Mercy, by responsibly utilizing our talents and time to bring His face of Mercy to people hearts through our words, actions and prayers. SPIRITUAL ADVISOR: Fr. Augustine Chan

Prayer and Spirituality - Marian
Prayer and Spirituality - Retreat Experiences
Prayer and Spirituality - various faith formation sessions, orgainizing local, national and worldwide pilgrimages to Catholic Holy Shrines