Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, the Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto remains closed. Staff continue to work remotely with limited physical access to our collections.

If you are seeking information regarding Sacramental Records, it may be found by clicking on the Certificate Request tab, or by contacting us via email at archives@archtoronto.org



The Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto (ARCAT) collects, preserves and makes available for research the official records of the Archdiocese of Toronto and those ancillary records which reflect the work of the Church within the Archdiocese. ​​

​Under Canon Law, all dioceses are required to maintain an archives. The purpose of preserving records is twofold:

  • First, records need to be kept as evidence of business activity, in order to comply with regulatory and legislative requirements, and to support accountability.

  • Second, records are kept for historical and cultural purposes. The materials preserved by ARCAT serve as an illustration of the life of the Archdiocese. Twenty-first century Catholics are able to feel a connection to the Catholics who came before; the larger community is able to see how the Church helped to shape the Toronto they now know. Stories of yesterday can be a powerful tool for evangelization today.​

​Programs & Services​

As an archives that meets Canadian professional standards, we aim to fulfill the following core functions:

  • acquisition and collection 

  • appraisal and disposal 

  • arrangement and description

  • preservation and storage 

  • reference and access 

  • outreach activities